Saturday, January 22, 2011


For member of SPE UGM-SC

The International Petroleum Technology Conference (IPTC) is hosting an Education Week, in Bangkok in November 2011, for the benefit of the best, final-year undergraduate students in science, geoscience and engineering from qualified institutions across the eastern hemisphere. It is anticipated that some 75-100 of the best students will be selected to participate in the 2011 IPTC
Education Week. IPTC will cover travel and accommodation expenses for the selected students.The purpose of Education Week is to give the students a clear insight into the petroleum industry, to work together on a joint technical project and to provide opportunities for students to form new friendships and extend their network. At the same time, the students will be interacting with a number of major industry employers who are constantly looking to recruit the best talent from institutions across the region.

All students nominated must:
1. Be enrolled in full time, undergraduate education until winter semester 2012.
2. Have excellent level of written and spoken English language.
3. Obtain permission to be away from their studies from 11 November-19 November 2011,
including the travel days.
4. Must demonstrate in evidence that they are in the top of their class.
5. Have not participated at a previous IPTC, AAPG,EAGE, SEG or SPE Education

Candidates will be selected by the Education Week Committee on the basis of information provided in the application form by the Student and their Institution. I am encouraged to send nominations based not only on academic excellence, but also on leadership and active participation in community and extracurricular activities. We will be notified by the week of 4 April 2011 if any of our students are selected to participate. All the selected students will be assigned to a group to work on a specific project. The Group Project titles will be advised a month prior to the Education Week.
The preliminary programme is as follows:

Sunday,13 November
Ice-Breaker, Reception & Dinner(Evening), Non-technical discussions and team building activities organised by Young Professionals.
Monday,14 November
Education Week Opening/Activities Group Projects Assignment Begins and Meeting of Project Groups with the Young Professional Volunteer Advisors (Students to Form Assigned Groups, Review the Project Topics, Develop the Group Project Plan and Timelines, Identify a Schedule for attending Conference Technical Sessions and Exhibition Area).
Tuesday-Wednesday, 15-16November
International Petroleum Technology Conference (IPTC) Students will attend the Conference Opening/ Keynote, Executive Plenary, Technical Sessions and the Exhibition, field trips, and will continue work on group assignments.
Thursday,17 November
Education Week Closing Student Group Presentations and Awards Presentation held.
There is a selection, for you who interested to join, please send your cv, and the motivation letter ( in english ) "why you want to join and why you deserve to go there". Send to with subject "IPTC". In Ms. Word . Dateline January 24, 2011. 5pm. If there any question you can directly contact me or search the website of IPTC
Yogi Saktyan
President of SPE UGM-SC

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